How to Improve Your Productivity - An Easy Method

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve more success, money, happiness, and a better lifestyle while so many others experience failure, financial insecurity, and depression? It’s possible that certain individuals have an abundance of resources and opportunities. However, is that the only factor contributing to their success? Not.

High achievers are simply more productive than others. Effective resource management is the key to their success and remarkable achievements. Limited resources don’t hinder their ability to achieve peak productivity; they always optimize the processes and maximize their output. In a world of constant change, the ability to maintain high productivity is no longer optional, but a necessity for survival.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” - Paul J. Meyer.

High productivity isn’t something you can achieve in just a few days. Think of it as the peak of a massive mountain. Reaching that mountain peak requires the right tools, adequate practice, careful planning, consistent effort, and proper guidance. Ready to start your journey to peak performance?

Let’s start your productivity journey with these 2 simple, beginner-friendly activities.

Determine Your Objective/ Desired Outcome Before Commencing Any Task.

Why I am doing this activity? For what purpose? It is important to have a clear understanding of your expected outcome from the activity you are planning to do. By setting a goal, you will improve your focus and productivity on the task at hand. You can do this in several ways.

You can block the time for a specific activity. For example: ‘I intend to spend the next thirty minutes practicing violin’. Or you might choose a target output for your activity. For example: ‘I will finish reading the 3rd chapter of this book now’

Activities without clear goals lead to more distractions, reduced focus, and lower productivity. 

From today onwards, set a specific goal before doing any simple activity. For example, 'I’m going to browse social media for the next 10 minutes.’ You can concentrate on browsing your social media pages for the next 10 minutes. Upon goal completion, close the social media app and move on to the next activity. Never continue scrolling or watching videos.

Apply this method to your simple daily tasks. This simple exercise helps you improve your brain’s ability to focus on a specific task and know when to stop working on it after reaching the desired outcome. 

Remember to Appreciate Yourself After You Finish Tasks 

Have you ever tried to appreciate yourself? It surprised me that so many people did not recognize the effectiveness of this practice. According to an article published by St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce, ‘Positive self-talk stimulates the release of "feel-good" chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine from our brains’.

How do I develop a habit of doing this exercise? When you finish a task, give yourself a pat on the shoulder and say, "Perfect, I did it." Be thankful for the successful completion of the task and its positive results. You'll feel amazing once you've completed this exercise. Daily practice is key, so make a conscious effort to perform this regularly, without fail each day. This practice gives you the energy boost you need to finish the next activity more productively. 

You can begin the above-mentioned practices right now; they are simple and require no tools or hard work. Once you see how much these practices boost your productivity, you'll always want to do them. 

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